Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dublin, Done and Dusted.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Loyola House, Phibsboro, Dublin

What a glorious day! The National Museum of Ireland – Archaelogy and History and a night of Panto!

We have just returned from our evening at the Gaiety Theatre and are still feeling thrilled. Their production of Mother Goose was absolutely fabulous! An extravaganza extraordinaire! Billed as traditional Panto, we did not really know what to expect, but we were blown away by the performances of all. The cast featured the best in Irish talent from stage, screen, and the music industry.

Panto is a tradition at Christmas for Irish families, has been for countless generations, and the theatre was filled with young and the young at heart. There was much audience participation throughout, and of course, the story of Mother Goose is timeless. Interspersed with modern tunes and pop songs, video, and some terrific “acts” (like the fire painter), the show was exceptional. The message that love, friendship, and happiness are more important than beauty and fortune was wonderfully portrayed.

Kevin and I were seated in the Grand Circle, the first of two balconies, and when, in the second act, the lad and lassie finally kissed and sang their love song, the upper balcony above us broke into song with them. It was the most moving experience for me. There is hope for this world, I thought! It chokes me up now, just thinking about it.

The Museum was fascinating. We now consider ourselves experts on the bogs of Ireland. We saw many discoveries from the bog, as well as learning the history of Ireland and her people.

The jewelry, both gold and amber, was simply beautiful.

Unusually large were the shoes, hats, and cloaks from early Ireland. As a matter of fact, when Kevin and I were looking at our photos yesterday, I noticed how tall we BOTH seem, in pictures taken of us in crowds on the streets of Dublin. There are many nationalities here, from Asian to European, all small of stature compared with us.

Another great day in Ireland, we’ll be leaving Dublin and heading West tomorrow, going as we please.


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